Tänk om….

…Zlatan hade uttryckt sig som Cassano. Hade det blivit något liv i svensk media tror ni?

(saxat från footballitalia.com)
“Are there any gay players? Cesare Prandelli told me you’d ask that question,” said the Milan striker.

“It’s their problem. If they are gay (though he used a far more offensive Italian term, ndr), then that’s their problem.

“If I say what I really think, then there’s going to be chaos. Are there any gays in the locker room? I hope not. In any case, it’s their problem and nothing to do with me.”

Sedan kom dagens sanning om Milan, som tycks ha blivit en säljande klubb med Thiago Silva nu på g till PSG:

"I’ve not heard from Ibra for a month, but if he gets angry about Thiago Silva being sold, then he’s absolutely right. It’d be criminal.

“Without Thiago Silva, at most we’d qualify for the Champions League. Besides, people should be clear with the fans. He is irreplaceable and without him we lose 50 per cent of the team. The club might consider the money coming in, but we ought to be clear.”

Frispråkig herre minst sagt…

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